Executive members 2023–2024

Goalball Australia is a national executive, elected by the state goalball organisations at an annual general meeting about each October.  All official correspondence should be directed to Secretary@GoalballAustralia.org

Executive role Office holder Contact
President Tim Taylor Chair@goalballaustralia.org
Vice president TBA  
Secretary Alan Campbell Secretary@GoalballAustralia.org
Treasurer Troy King  Treasurer@GoalballAustralia.org
Player representative Daniel Pritchard Player@GoalballAustralia.org
Coach representative Andrew Ridley Coachgarep@goalballaustralia.org
Referee representative Warrick Jackes Officials@GoalballAustralia.org
Referee coordinator (non-voting) Warrick Jackes


National coaches

Team Coach Assistant coach Team manager
Aussie Belles (adult women's) Daniel Mctainsh Meica Horsburgh Vacant. Contact Secretary
Aussie Storm (adult men's) Andrew Ridley Melissa Fanshawe
Youth boys Andrew Perry Vacant.  Contact secretary
Youth girls Andrew Perry Vacant.  Contact secretary


Past executive

Office bearers of the the Australian National Goalball Association (ANGC) and Goalball Australia (GA). 

Year President Vice president Treasurer Secretary
1988– Bailey Compton Jim Sullivan Robyn Stephens
1989– Bailey Compton Rob Crestani Robyn Stephens
1990– Bailey Compton Sam Theodore Rob Crestani Robyn Stephens/
Kellianne Hockey
1991– Bailey Compton Sam Theodore Rob Crestani Robyn Stephens/
Kellianne Hockey
1992– Bailey Compton Sam Theodore Rob Crestani Kellianne Hockey
1993– Bailey Compton Sam Theodore Rob Crestani Terry Kenaghan
1994– Bailey Compton Sam Theodore Rob Crestani Terry Kenaghan
1995– Bailey Compton Sam Theodore Rob Crestani Terry Kenaghan
1996– Bailey Compton Sam Theodore Rob Crestani Terry Kenaghan
1997– Bailey Compton Sam Theodore Rob Crestani Terry Kenaghan
1998– Bailey Compton Sam Theodore Rob Crestani Terry Kenaghan
1999– Jim Vogt Sam Theodore Rob Crestani Barry Harpur
2000– Jim Vogt Sam Theodore Rob Crestani Barry Harpur
2001– Sam Theodore Jim Vogt Rob Crestani Barry Harpur
2002– Sam Theodore Kevin Frew Rob Crestani Barry Harpur
2003– Sam Theodore Kevin Frew Rob Crestani Barry Harpur
2004– Sam Theodore Kevin Frew Rob Crestani Barry Harpur
2005– Sam Theodore Garvin Francis Troy King Barry Harpur
2006– Sam Theodore Garvin Francis Troy King Barry Harpur
2007– Sam Theodore Garvin Francis Troy King Barry Harpur
2008– Rob Crestani Garvin Francis Troy King Barry Harpur
2009– Rob Crestani Troy King Kevin Frew Barry Harpur
2010– Rob Crestani Troy King Kevin Frew Barry Harpur
2011– Rob Crestani Rob Vogt Kevin Frew Murray Elbourn
2012– Rob Crestani Murray Elbourn Rob Vogt Nicole Esdaile
2013– Rob Crestani Ben Rowe Pam Hyden Murray Elbourn
2014– Rob Crestani Ben Rowe Pam Hyden Robyn Stephensen
2015– Pam Hyden Jenny Blow Natasha  Cugley Robyn Stephensen
2016– Pam Hyden Jenny Blow Laura Sheather Robyn Stephensen
2017– Pam Hyden Jenny Blow Laura Sheather Robyn Stephensen
2018– Murray Elbourn/
Grant Hanson (acting)
David Tiller Simon Smith Olivia Muller
2019– Michelle Baird/
Ryan Honschooten
. . .
2020– Ryan Honschooten Steve Harlow Troy King Olivia Muller
2021– Ryan Honschooten Steve Harlow Troy King Olivia Muller      
2022– Ryan Honschooten Steve Harlow Troy King TBA
2023– TBA Ryan Honschooten Troy King