
NSW Goalball – Round 3
Sat 27 May 2023 10:00 — 14:00

Event information

This event has passed.

Are you ready for Round 3!!!, we are having a fantastic competition this year, with each round so far we've formed up 6 teams to compete across 3 extremely competitive devision which have been fantastic watch and our numbers continue to grow.

Round 3 will be held Saturday 27th of May 10am until 2pm at Asquith Girls HIgh school Asquith, enter off Stokes Avenue Asquith, through the staff car park gate.

There will be an opportunity to spectate a game with the AussieStorm after our comp has finished, so please feel free stay back and watch some amazing Goalball as the Storm continue to prepare for their upcoming Paralympic Qualifier games.

Anyone wishing to purchase - eyeshades - Youth ball - Senior Ball, please let me know, I can provide pricing and bring your items along on Saturday.  A full shop update will be coming out shortly.

 Alan Campbell, mob:0407928436, e-mail: