State organisations develop players into athletes, and encourage volunteers to become coaches, team staff, and sports officials – learn about goal judging, run the ten-seconds, and become a referee. Contact your state for training sessions, training camps, or a tournament in your area; or check out our calendar for national events.  They can also advise of marketing ideas, banners, equipment for purchase, or the best suppliers. 

The Australian National Goalball Championships has four divisions: Junior (14 and under by December 31st), Youth (19-and-under by December 31st), Women, and Men. 

Athlete pathway

Goalball Australia are currently working on developing clear athlete pathway documents from Participation through to the elite Paralympic (P2P) pathways based on the Sports Australia FTEM framework.

Stay tuned for updates in this space. 

Coaching pathway

Coaches generally start with a local club or at the state level.  Interested people should commence with the Community Coaching General Principles (CCGP) course. National-level coaching positions are advertised occasionally.  Contact GA for more information. 

Officials pathway

Entrants start with referees at a local club or state level.  The training is aligned to the international certification – resources explain goal judging, and the other roles. Contact your state association and be mentored by one of our referees locally. 

Officials pathway roadmap